Saturday, 28 June 2014

What's the Point?

I guess that the best place to start is to say why I am writing this blog. There are really two reasons:

  1. I need a place where I can start writing down my thoughts and questions in a clear and coherent way as I work through the large body of reading that I have gotten together to prepare me for writing a master's thesis in theology. I really need to write about all the things that are bopping around in my head so that I can narrow and refine my research topic and thesis statement.
  2. More importantly, I love the internet for the way it connects people from very different walks of life. Evangelical liturgical theology (if there is such an animal) seems rather sparse. Writings by worship leaders in evangelical circles on the subject of worship tend to focus almost exclusively on what 'works' and what is 'biblical', rather than on the theology of worship per se. I have found that theologians from Reformed, Anglican and Roman Catholic backgrounds have had more to say than my Evangelical contemporaries. I am hoping to be proved both wrong and right by all the fantastic minds that (hopefully and rather miraculously) stumble onto this blog and broaden my understanding of worship theology.
So that's that.

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The purpose of this blog in not debate or apology. If you have something that might be helpful to me (especially if you can add links to worthwhile reading), please do so.